IDT = Infinite Dipole Technology
The Newtonian energy generation systems around the planet are considered as closed systems of energy production firmly anchored in our 3D understanding of applied physics.
None of these energy generation systems are 100% efficient in converting energy from one state to another, some are only 30% efficient. Even in the most efficient systems there are frictional and electromagnetic losses. Some so called ‘Free Energy’ systems claim 100% efficiency (unity) and some further claim plus unity, where the losses are overcome and surplus energy is available.
Free Energy
The term Free Energy is often used to describe a process where it appears that you get more out than you put in. This widely used term usually expressed by the “garage scientist inventor” often results in ridicule from mainstream scientists, friends, and also from family alike.
So what is it that the garage scientist is experiencing that causes them to make these statements? If we use different terminology to describe what is happening then both the real scientist and the garage scientist can at least agree on common observations.
From a Quantum physics point of view we know that there is a sea of energy in which the earth is immersed and this is given various names such as universal energy, cosmic energy, zero point energy, orgone energy and Aether. It does not mean that these are all the same, they are not; but there is something that the Free Energy devices are bridging to. It will be true to say that the experimenter is putting (for example) 100 watts of power into a mechanical or electrical circuit and getting in excess of 100 watts out of the circuit. Now a real scientist would say that this is impossible because it breaks the established laws of energy conservation. But does it? The optimum word here is “you” put in 100 watts of power and “you” get 100 watts plus out of the circuit, but the free energy experiments do indeed show an apparent gain in energy. When standing back from this type of energy gain experiment it is commonly observed that total energy in the experiment is being supplemented from a secondary source, namely the universal sea of energy. What the experimenter has done is to build a circuit (electronic or mechanical, or perhaps both) that bridges into this quantum energy field and through some sort of transducer (magnetic or electronic) is able to tap into an existing, larger reservoir of energy.
Scientists theorise that there is an infinite amount of energy in the Aether and that the Aether passes through everything in our material world.
Garage scientists are often obsessed with an idea of free energy, and by free I mean that one does not have to pay to tap into it, other than the cost of the equipment to do so. They believe that they are driven by a knowing, an intuition that does not give up within them. This world wide phenomenon is a subject on its own. Engineers and lay people alike have an inner determination to build and create an interface to this field of free energy and nothing will stop their quest.
How is it then that this passion to build free energy devices occurs? Is it natural to an enquiring mind or does it have a higher directive? Many of the creators of this type of experiment claim intuitive or meditation experiences where they see the answers to their experiment problems. Some even say that God told them in a dream! Thousands of people are trying to build free energy devices, but how they are inspired is not important. Real scientists and garage scientists alike are exploring this phenomenon and trying to understand what they see. The advantage of a garage scientist is that he or she is not conditioned to think in a certain way and will try to find a solution to a problem by accepting thoughts and ideas from “outside the box”. If the understanding for free energy was “inside the box” then our world would doubtless be using it on a daily basis. At some point, as with many of the paradigm-changing inventions of the past, the understanding of how to bridge into the Aether will eventually become official science, observed and adopted in the tried and tested manner. Before this acceptance happens the the faithful garage scientist, with all his passion, will probably be ridiculed and dismissed even after his or her death as a crackpot or nutter. What we do know is that this drive within this free-thinking scientific community to explore, understand and harness this technology will not go away.
Accepting that there is something here to actually look at opens up the door to the possibility of a device actually being manifested at a point in our future.
Bridge Mechanism
So how do we begin to understand what we need to try and do? The key is to find a mechanism to bridge between our 3D needs for electricity 50/60 Hz and the available free energy that is available but outside of the normal understanding.
The engineers of the world have designed and built transducers to transfer energy from one state to another, from the humble microphone, piezo electric ultrasound, microwave ovens and transformers of one kind and another – the list is endless. What we need is just another device. What we lack is the specific understanding of what we need. It is well within the human collective consciousness now to make this step. As a collective consciousness, the world still does not know that it can do it yet, but it can. Its time has come. It is not a matter of if – it is only when. At some point the world will embrace this as humanity’s consciousness matures and becomes of age. We can thank Tesla, Keely, Moray and many others for their brilliant ideas in the area of free energy research. The visions of these inventors/discoverers, albeit in some cases naive, were nevertheless aimed at providing energy cheaply for the entire world in order to reduce poverty and hardship in all countries. This philanthropic attitude did not gain friends in high places as the introduction of free energy into the world would cause massive disruption in companies that control the economy.
New Inventions
Most inventors/discoverers even today would still consider taking their precious invention to the patent office. Conspiracy aside, this could be the worst possible course of action because the speed of communication around the world means that everybody could know how to build your equipment in a very short time. This is assuming that your invention or discovery is not confiscated in the interests of military or national security. In fact, a patent these days is considered to be an invitation to a law suit – meaning that if you file a pattern and somebody wants it – they will, though legal channels, try to get it. Another option instead of defending your pattern is to use that money to productionise your invention in as many countries as possible and simply get it out there to the world. It is sad that the custodians of some inventions that have been seized do not see themselves as custodians of the planet. On a consciousness and spiritual level we are all connected as one. This is just another part of duality that has not been dissolved.
General Themes
Looking at the available documentation on the internet, it seems that there are thousands of inventions around the subject of free energy but there are only a few different themes – magnetic fields (stationery or moving), rotation, frequency, high voltage, resonance, radiant energy. In all of these areas there are reports of some success, albeit only enough extra energy gains to cover the frictional and electromagnetic losses. The internet, even if not always factual and correct, has the amazing ability to inspire discoverers and inventors to try new things and to figure out the problems of their own inventions. So what actually is needed to create a bridge to the abundant environmental energy around us?
Sympathetic Resonance
The secret lies in the ability of the circuit to be entrained with the type of energy that one is seeking. We need to build a device that is sympathetic, or at least resonates sympathetically with the energy that we seek. From a human standpoint, we stand in separation from most things that surrounds us which blocks our connection to the very thing that will set us free. The universal environmental free energy around us has its heart in this same resonance. On our spiritual path we seek to awaken those issues that we carry in order to dissolve the duality that those issues create. The dissolving of any issue brings us to a point of connecting to Source. This same Source is the resonance that our free energy equipment needs to be in sync with for it to work. So what is the resonance? Does it have a 3D type of frequency? Or is it yet another unobtainable spiritual enigma? Some inventors report that they themselves need to be in the right space mentally and emotionally for their equipment to work. This is unlikely to be popular on a Monday morning when late for work and your invention will not power the toaster! But joking aside it does make one wonder what connection these inventors are making and how it influences their experiments.
We can experience great human energy if we attend gatherings of some of the spiritual teachers and meditation groups currently on the planet. Could this energy be similar to the resonance connection we seek? Possibly – yes. Although we would not expect a lamp to be lit because the meditation group has connected themselves to Source, but it does give us a moment of insight as to where that resonance connection needs to be made and we are taught a simple process to make that connection to Source by ourselves at any time. What we need metaphorically speaking is a tuning fork that by sympathetic resonance “rings” in response to the connection to Source. With these excited thoughts of the new tuning fork buzzing in our mind we suddenly realise that metaphysics and current 3D physics are not the same, but a dim light is now visible at the end of the tunnel. In real life we attract things that resonate with us, or we are attracted to things and people that we resonate with. How do we then set up a resonance with the free energy that we seek?
So given that meditation and metaphysics is going to provide us with the energy that we seek, how then do we convert our toaster to attract this phenomenon? What we need is a device that creates a field that is in resonance with Source. As a sound engineer I have witnessed many energy sound phenomenons. One which I have repeated several times involves making a sound recording of meditation groups or recording a gathering of spiritual people doing their silent incantations. I noticed on every occasion when the sound track was played back that the essence of the energy of the occasion started to form in the room where the recording was played back. Now it was not exactly the same (and certainly not of the same power) but it certainly was there and could be repeated in any room at any time. This was a tangible reconstruction of a spiritual energy that could be achieved in meditation now being created directly from a sound recording. This energy movement had been captured on a recorder and then transferred to CD and played at will.
Harmonic Ratio
If what the scientists say is true that the Aether is all around us and in the space within us and within all material objects then why can’t we just pluck it out of the air? Well, maybe we can. What we need is to concentrate the energy to a collection point locally in our environment; we need a lens, a resonator, a point of focus. Nature around us sits in the same sea of energy. Are there any tools or processes that we can use from nature to help us understand how this might work? What we find in nature are repeating patterns, frequencies, size relationships, ratios and mathematical geometric expression. One such expression is the golden mean ratio. It is not a specific frequency but a ratio between frequencies that creates a harmonic. Singers in a choir are focused on the intervals between notes rather than the key the music is played in. Is the mystery frequency that unlocks free energy actually not a specific frequency but instead a ratio of frequencies that produces an effect. Two frequencies beating together produce a third frequency with its overtones, and higher and lower harmonics. If we use what we have understood from the above then we can create a focal point using an energetic bridge to source created from our CD player and have our tuning forks set to the golden mean ratio. How do we collect the energy that appears between them? The answer is simple. We need an aerial tuned to the receiving frequency and harmonics. It is also thought that the type of energy that we seek is attracted to polarised points, such as a battery’s positive and negative terminals.
Charged Particles
Normally positive and negative charged particles appear and disappear all around us – popping in and out of existence. Once a positively charged point appears from a battery (for example) then negatively charged particles pop into existence around this point and start to congregate, and similarly for the negatively charged point where positively charged particles congregate. If these two points are near to each other they are called a dipole. A dipole attracts energy from the environmental sea of energy, but without depleting the dipole itself.
It may be useful to have polarised points positioned around our collection aerial to help the focus of collection. If we are to believe the quantum principle that the Aether is dense, and that the more dense that something is then the more power that it has within, then we should consider that the humble magnet somehow permeates through this Aether invisibly and inexhaustibly holds its field in place. I believe the fact that magnets have these properties accounts for much of the phenomenon of over-unity or free energy observed so far. The belt and braces approach to collecting free energy should include a generous application of permanent magnets around the focus/collection point.
I suspect that there will come a time when the closed energy systems currently in just about every electronic circuit will be superseded by open energy systems which once started will quickly draw the energy needed to run the circuit from the larger infinite Source These circuits will be a blend of machine and consciousness – Infinite Dipole Technology!
Victor Sims, March 2014